ยินดีต้อนรับ! Bienvenidas! Barka da zuwa! καλως ηρθες! Akeyi! Salvete! ਸਵਾਗਤ! Nnabata! Fáilte! Välkommen! Bienvenue! Welcome!
In this Race, Pipeline will be whisking you off on a journey around the world, across cyberspace, and even in your own home! You’ll go on three separate trips, each with two destinations (and an adventure at each one) – but remember that sometimes, for better or worse, traveling itself can be the adventure! At each destination you’ll solve puzzles, play games, and unravel clues in order to move on to your next destination – and when you return home after your third trip, we’ll send you out on one last adventure!
Your packing list for this journey contains a minimal amount of items – we’d encourage you to keep all of these close at hand:
- Electronic device with Messenger, a camera, and an internet connection
- Computer or tablet to make using the internet easier (can be same as above, but an additional device is helpful)
- A way to communicate with your virtual teammates, if any
- A phone to “phone a friend” to help if you get stuck (can be same as above)
- Paper and pen, to jot down notes (some challenges will be easier if you can write them down on paper!)
Otherwise, everything you need will be in Messenger! That’s where you’ll receive your travel instructions, type your answers, and collect souvenir phrases. As you collect those phrases, you’ll prepare to play a little bingo later! Download the card here (or make your own), and fill in the souvenir phrases you collect as you travel along (you can put them anywhere on the grid). And if you run into any technical issues along the way, just hail and we’ll get back to you within a few days (we can be reached at [email protected]).
We think that’s all you need to know to start – click the link below to embark on your journey. When you’re ready, just type in LET’S GO, and you’ll be on your way. So without further ado, grab whatever you need to stay sharp – be it matcha, chai, tiny cup of espresso, whatever! – and bon voyage!
The Amazing Race Game-Masters
These Races are pay-what-you-will, which can also mean free! But if you are looking to make a donation, we’re suggesting $30 per player. If you donate at least $30, you’ll receive a brand-new Pipeline mug (while supplies last)! Please note when donating if you would like to receive a mug. You can make your donation by clicking here to use PayPal (you won’t need to make an account) or by mailing a check to:
Pipeline Theatre Company
PO Box 30156
New York, NY 10011
Home Edition Credits: Janice Amaya, Kristy Bodall, Tom Costello, Sam Garber, Laura Gold, Cristina Pitter.