PlayLab Class of 2024 Applications are now open! Deadline to apply is June 30, 2023 at 11:59pm.
Click here to apply.

Have questions? Join us virtually on June 15th at 8:00pm for a free PlayLab Info Session with Co-Directors & PlayLab facilitators Philip Santos Schaffer & Janice Amaya. Click here to RSVP.

What is PlayLab?

Pipeline’s Playlab is a playwrights group that aids and encourages artists in growing their biggest, wildest ideas into imaginative and daring new plays. Through monthly meetings, one-on-one dramaturgical support, and workshop-events, each writer is supported in developing their ambitious initial concept into a new script over the course of a year! 

What plays are we looking for?

In line with our vision, we want you to send us your most impossible idea for a play that you are dying to write. We are looking for plays that bend the rules, and playwrights who crave a space in which they can dive into new, uncharted territory. We are interested in fostering projects in their earliest stages of conception – the closer you are to first putting pen to paper, the better! 

Our vision: we believe that an unbridled imagination is a force of magic with the power to provoke a more courageous and compassionate world.

Who should apply?

PlayLab playwrights should be excited to work within a collaborative group atmosphere, and enjoy providing and receiving constructive feedback. We pay special attention to building a dynamic cohort and encourage playwrights of all races, ethnicities, genders, abilities, physical presentation, and educational and professional backgrounds to apply.

What does a year with PlayLab look like?

The group will spend a year meeting on a monthly basis, sharing pages, and receiving constructive feedback from their fellow writers and the artistic staff of Pipeline. At three points in the year, the group will participate in a Springboard workshop – a one day event tailored to the writer’s specific needs where they will collaborate with members of the Pipeline community (which, depending on the needs of the playwright, may include actors, directors, designers, dramaturgs, etc.) to deepen their exploration of the play. 

Though the primary aim of the PlayLab is to support playwrights in turning their biggest, wildest ideas into finished plays, our secondary aim is to expand each playwright’s creative network, and in doing so also build Pipeline’s community. Throughout the year, we introduce our PlayLab playwrights to our large and vibrant artistic network, while also inviting each playwright to bring in their own contacts to work with us. In this way, PlayLab playwrights can expect to walk away from the program with an exciting new roster of artists to work with for years to come.

When does everything take place?

PlayLab playwrights commit to participate in the following programs:

  • Monthly Meetings typically take place on the third Sunday of each month, from 1pm – 3pm, but are subject to change based on the needs of the group. 
  • Springboards (3 throughout the season, Fall/Winter/Spring) – “In-progress” workshops throughout our year together. PlayLabbers are given dedicated time, space, and collaborators (including members of our artistic community) throughout the season to explore specific questions related to their play development and tailored to the needs of the writer and the material.
  • PlayLab playwrights are also invited to attend Pipeline events throughout our season, including our gala and artistic programming. .

*Dates subject to change.

I’m ready to apply!

We are now accepting PlayLab submissions! To submit, visit This application will remain open until June 30, 2022 at midnight! To see the full application, visit


At what stage of my career should I apply for this program?

We are excited to work with artists at all stages of their career; however, we have found that this program best serves individuals who are actively interested in finding a new creative home and community. Playlab provides lots of opportunities to develop relationships with new collaborators and become a part of the Pipeline family, so we encourage you to apply if you’re interested in putting down some roots with us! 

If I’m in an MFA program or a writer’s group, is that a problem?

No! We ask that question because it helps us get a picture of how much engagement you have or have had with a writing cohort of this type. And it’s not a problem if you’ve never been a part of  this type of group before either.

Can I apply if I don’t live in New York City?

Yes! This year we may do a remote or hybrid model, depending on the needs of the playwrights accepted. 

Can I submit a play that I am already working on?

For Playlab, we are interested in working with playwrights in the beginning stages of conceptualization. Maybe you have a few pages, or an outline, or just a super exciting pitch, and we are thrilled to help develop those first steps into a play with you. For this particular program, we are not looking for plays that already have first drafts. And please refrain from submitting plays that have already had a first production (We do our research!)

What about musicals?

Musicals are welcome! We’ve developed musicals and plays with music in the PlayLab before, and would be excited to do so again.

Can I apply as a writing team?

Writing teams are welcome! We’ve had writing teams in the PlayLab before, and would be excited to do so again. Please be sure to submit as a team, and indicate that you are a team clearly in your application.

If I don’t have a theatrical writing sample, can I submit something else?

We are looking to learn more about your voice as a writer to get a sense of how you might build your proposed play. The best way for us to see that is through a play that you’ve written before, so that is our preference. However, if you feel like you have another piece of writing that can help us get a sense of how you would approach this process, then please send it along.

What past PlayLabbers Say:

“Here’s the thing about Pipeline PlayLab… There are absolutely no restrictions. In an industry that can be hyper-focused on the producibility of a play, a playwright’s imagination can easily become stunted. Pipeline asks playwrights to imagine without the constraints of the business. PlayLab’s only goal is to nurture the imagination and outrageousness of what seems impossible. The support I received during my time at PlayLab allowed me to write two of my most ambitious plays. I only dream big now and I have Pipeline’s PlayLab to thank for that.” – J. Julian Christopher, Bruise & Thorn (Class of 2017) & Bundle of Sticks (Class of 2018).

“Pipeline encourages you to dream big! The artistic team is very supportive in helping writers realize their vision. Nothing is too impossible or crazy or out there. Through the year long work sharing, I was amazed by the imagination of the other writers in Playlab and the heart they put into their work. I look forward to seeing new exciting plays that emerge from Playlab.” Divya Mangwani, Rise of the River, PlayLab Class of 2018

“You guys, Pipeline Theatre Company is the real deal. They helped me write a play that I NEVER thought would see the light of day and not only provided me an outlet for espouse my fierce opinions about ducks and imperialism, but also challenged me to take those ideas further than I ever thought possible. If you have a play idea tucked into a dark drawer because you think it’s too weird or too complicated or too filled with fierce opinions about ducks and imperialism, take my advice and apply to PlayLab immediately. I PROMISE you, you won’t regret it.” – A.J. Ditty, Heart of Duckness, PlayLab Class of 2017

“If collecting participation in all the various and sundry playgroups in New York City is a crown, Pipeline’s PlayLab is absolutely one of the brightest, weirdest, warmest gems set into it. The community is joyous, supportive, professional, a glittery explosion of talent and inclusivity — but most of all it is one that simultaneously evolves to suit your work and pushes you to deepen that work without being prescriptive. Pipeline curates groups of writers with absurd and wonderfully-differing energies and pops them into a nurturing space together where they can explore their wildest ideas, the ones that everyone else say can’t be done. They nurture impossible things and make them feel possible.” – Matt Minnicino, wyrd, PlayLab Class of 2018