As you ALL should know by now, Felix & The Diligence is opening on Saturday night, and in the lo

As you ALL should know by now, Felix & The Diligence is opening on Saturday night, and in the lobby of the Connelly Theater, we will be showing off a little gallery called “Hung Up” featuring some amazing artwork inspired by the theme: Adventure!  

We interviewed all of the aritsts with a bunch of questions about their work, about adventure, and, naturally, about giant squids!  Almost every day until the opening EVENT (a super fun reception, including an evening of solo performances called “Going Stag”) on October 3rd, we will post an interview one of our featured artists!

Meet Ahron R. Foster (pictured above)
(our resident photographer… in fact if you have been to any of our events recently, you should probably already know him!)

Q:  Who are some of your greatest influences?
Ansel Adams, Danny Clinch & The Starn Twins

Q:  How does “adventure” relate to your work?
A:  My personal and professional work, which tend to bleed together, are always a exhilarating journey.  Whether I’m perching a model on the edge of a cliff or I’m leaning off the lip of a stage to catch a guitar solo (or wrangling 27 actors in a small room for a group photo), I feel like I get to experience adventure in everyday life.

Q:  How old were you when you drew your first giant squid? 
A:  See above!  (caption: “This is why I take photographs, not draw”)