Lesser America is pop theater. They are an ensemble of renegade artists dedicated to smart, quality entertainment that puts the audience first, fulfilling the promise of affordable, accessible theater for the 21st century.
Lesser America was founded in 2010 by Daniel Abeles, Jonathan Blitstein, Nate Miller and Laura Ramadei. After a successful run of Blitstein’s Keep Your Baggage With You At All Times, featuring Abeles, Miller, and Ramadei, the four decided to launch an associated company and pilot their productions at Theater For the New City, where Baggage was presented. With the generous assistance of the staff and adminstrators at TNC, the burgeoning downtown theaterers share duties in producing theatrical work as part of an ongoing residency.
Ensemble members include Stephen Brackett, Craig Jorczak, Portia Krieger, Anna O’Donogue, Claire Sebers, Brendan Spieth, and Daniel Talbott.